

“Family Friendly Fitness lives by their name. I’m personally not a fan of working out and I don’t have the healthiest diet. This program and personal trainer definitely makes you feel like family. The consideration for feedback, acknowledgement of concerns, goals and the constant encouragement is what made working out not feel like such misery. I felt most comfortable working out at home and Carlyle made that happen. Each program was precise, detailed and easy to follow along for a novice like myself. The linked tutorials made it that much better. The program included check-ins as well which gave me motivation and the push I needed just remember to hold myself accountable. What I liked best was the fact that no pressure was put on me to HAVE to go the gym for results but simply encouraged to obtain maximum results. Despite working out at home, I SAW A DIFFERENCE! I saw a difference in my weight, my form, my eating habits and confidence.. it made me WANT to workout. The program included a month worth of workouts based on areas of concerns/goals AND meal suggestions for maximum results, which was a bonus for me to stay focused. I encourage anyone, no matter the goal to join a team like Family Friendly Fitness to push yourself with working out, and reaching a new level of health!”

—Lakeisha F.


“Listennnn I feel 4 lil abs up top okayyy. I hope people are aware they need to be aware they need to be careful how they talk to me 😂😂😂”

—Trish K.


“My problem was I thought  I can eat what I want and still get the results I wanted. I tapped in with Lyle, January 2021, trying to get my summer body right. What started as a New Years resolution, is now 17 months in. 17 months of consistency, accountability and reworked plans for my personal gains.  I knew my program was when I realized people were mimicking my gym routine an asking if I'm a trainer or if I do this professionally. I lift with Lyle, and my team's Family friendly fitness.”

—Dillano G.


I've been working out for years and began to plateau in the gym. I reached out to FFF for help lifting heavier with better form, gaining weight in a healthy manner and working on my flexibility in the process. Safe to say we blew past all these goals and then some. Each month with FFF has provided a new challenge for all areas of my body. The progress I’ve made in the last year has trumped the previous three and that’s all thanks to advice given by them. If you’re ready to up your physical fitness then reach out to the team at FFF and let them help you blow past your goals.

—Damon C.